Exactly how I got pregnant after 18 months TTC


Okay this might be a long one but I feel like it’s worth sharing because it might help you. I was desperate to conceive. Especially because we could do thanksgiving and Christmas announcements and the baby would be born around my birthday. October was critical for me because I wanted to have at least one child by the time I turned 23 in July. 

After 16 months of failed attempts I was really doubting my body. I finally made the appointment to speak with my obgyn about my fertility. She had us make sure my husbands swimmers weren’t abnormal. His count was good so we knew it wasn’t him. I had been having irregular periods in the first 10 months of TTC and thought I might have PCOS. Did the blood work and ultrasound in month 17 of TTC, which came back negative. Doctor said hormonally, hubby and I were normal- SO WHY HAS IT TAKEN SO LONG?! 

Month 18, she wanted me to go do an HSG test which is basically where they shoot dye into your tubes to make sure that the sperm aren’t getting blocked by swollen/damaged tissue and that they are able to make it all the throughout your tracks. 

Before my HSG test, I decided to really give it my all with TTC. I had been using easy@home OPKs for the last 15 months and was used to them. I decided to buy the clear blue digital advance OPKs (the ones with the blinking smiley and solid smiley) because I figured you get what you pay for. 

So October 15 I get a flashing smiley which pumps me up because I love when my body is doing what it’s supposed to be doing. (P.S. Glow had predicted my ovulation on this day but according to my OPK I hadn’t peaked yet). Okay so, for the next FIVE freaking days I keep getting flashing smileys. I started to think omg I’m just going to have a flashing smiley every day until I start my period. Meanwhile I’m BDing every.single.day. Finally on October 20 I get my solid. I drank some wine, ordered a pizza, and we BD that day and the following day. 

The next part is what I believe got me pregnant: 

  1. I was taking a prenatal vitamin every day 
  2. Using better quality OPKs 
  3. Not stressing as much about what is wrong with us physically
  4. Having sex every day during fertile window 
  5. Relaxing on my day of ovulation 
  6. As soon as I got my solid smiley I took an 81mg dose of Aspirin everyday until I got my BFP on HALLOWEEN 🎃 
  7. Pineapple juice on 1dpo-3dpo 
  8. I SWEAR THIS DID SOMETHING! Tapioca. My husband was told to have me eat Tapioca to increase chances of conception. So this mother Fer was bringing me boba tea daily, and bought me like a quart of tapioca pudding to eat in my tww. By 10dpo I had consumed so much Tapioca... 🤢 
  9. Finally. I prayed my ass off. Every day I made time to say a prayer not just about TTC but I prayed for my friends, my husband, my family 

I got the faintest of lines on an FRER at 10dpo but I knew i was pregnant. 11dpo I confirmed with another FRER and digital. My cheap Hcg test still has not picked up my pregnancy and I’m 5 weeks... 😳

So yeah. That’s what I did. If you have a crazy reason you believe got you pregnant, I’d love to hear it. Thanks for listening to my story. Baby is due July 9th!