It’s finally my turn!!!!

Ladies! I’m freaking out here!

I had the Skyla IUD for 3 years. We decided to start trying for a baby so I had it removed (9/13) and we’ve been going at it like crazy.

AF was supposed to arrive (10/25). When it was late I hastily took my first test that Thursday, negative. Took another one two days later, also negative. When AF was a full week late I took another. This one was negative too, but had a faint line that I had convinced myself was my wanting it too badly.

Well, this morning I decided to take another test. AF hasn’t arrived yet after all. That line may be faint, but there’s no denying it’s there!!!!!

I think I’m going to have it confirmed by a doctor before I tell my husband. Any suggestions on how to tell him?!?!?!