Am I️ pregnant?

Here’s the scenario. Unprotected sex the day I️ was thought to be ovulating, this was last month. My boyfriend finished inside of me. Took a plan b 24 hours later. A week later I️ experienced spotting for 3 days, along with light cramps, very sore breasts. And increase in Brest size, nipple changes etc. I’ve been a little queezy, super exhausted ( mind you I’m a very active individual and do not get tired quickly / easily ). My family and boyfriend have been saying I’ve been very emotional, way more than usual. I’ve been peeing like crazy ( even though I️ normally pee a lot.) I️ am normally a very regular person when it comes to my periods and I️ am now 5 days late.. mind you I️ took a plan b last year and experienced NONE of these symptoms AT ALL. Even when I️ took the plan b last year my period was on time and normal. My symptoms are still going on and it’s been 3 weeks now. Any feedback? I️ know plan b can mess you up but something just doesn’t feel right. On the plus side if I️ was pregnant, my boyfriend or I️ would not be upset by any means!