Strange “period” and puking ever since


Last week, at 14 dpo, I got what I *thought* was my period, but it only lasted a day and a half, and wasn’t even enough to fill a pad either day. Since then I have been nauseated/vomiting all hours of the day and night, regardless of what or how much I eat. I also have been having a lot of cramping, like I would expect on my period, and really tight feeling in my pelvic muscles. My cervical mucus is also much more apparent (TMI) when I’m usually pretty dry all month long. I have been testing every couple of days but only getting negatives. I have an appointment at a clinic next week to get checked out, because if I’m not pregnant than something is seriously wrong. I can’t get through the day without taking Zofran. If I am pregnant, I’m 5-6 weeks now, but no positive to show for it, and worried that my symptoms are something more serious. Any advice would be appreciated, even other explanations for what is happening.