Need advice please!

I'm going to start with a small background- like most people I had a horrible childhood! Between getting beat up at home, sexually assaulted, and bullied in school, I gave up my sanity!

Since all the childhood abuse started I was put in therapy and have been going ever since! I'm now 25 years old and I still have the fight or flight mentality. 😞 Most of the time I avoid altercations, whether physical or verbal!

On to my current situation- Ive been with my SO for 8 years, we have two children! They are my world and id do anything for those three!

I always thought I had a good relationship with his family until our first altercation! His siblings and mother tried to jump me over my cell phone he got me for a birthday present. That happened years ago... ever since that first fight they never liked me... but they never actually came out to say that until recently.

I never really gave them the reason to dislike me and think I wasn't good enough. I had a feeling my MIL was telling my spouse to leave me but could never prove it.

Yesterday we got into the biggest fights we've ever been in- My MIL and myself. Some things were said about me and I blacked out when she brought okay weapon to use in me. This escalated outside, I threw something and she accused me of breaking a window.

I've acknowledged my bad behavior, said I'd pay for the window, and set up anger management classes.

I've never been through a black out like this before. It was definitely scary and I was embarrassed... I wasn't myself. My spouse said the same thing, that he could see in my face that I wasn't me, and that I was trying to stop myself but couldn't.

I've contacted the local police department about my ticket. The Sargent told me that it would go to trial.... in facing 6 months jail time and $1,000 fine.

Should I plea guilty even though I didn't see the thing I threw hit the window or do I plea not guilty for lack of evidence?

I am very remorseful and embarrassed by my behavior. I don't need any hateful comments.

The comment about fixing the window was because I threw the object in that direction. There is no proof it hit that window... the anger management was because I've never blacked out like that before and I didn't want to ever deal with that ever again.