Genealogy help?

Annika • Witch🌜Gamer 🎮 Ravenclaw 💙

I'm hoping someone on here knows something about genealogy and can help point me in the right direction 😫

Here is my situation: both of my parents were adopted. So we have zero info on family history.

My dad and his adoptive mom know nothing about his birth parents.

My mom managed to find someee info on her birth parents - they were of Norwegian decent (possibly even immigrated from Norway), at least one of them was in the military, and her original name before adoption.

I searched my moms original name on Ancestry, and found the birth certificate. Which gave me her mothers maiden name (that's it, nothing else). When I search her mothers maiden name, there are only 13 results (for all types of records, all years). And I don't think any of them are her. Most of them were born in the 60's which would make them less than 10 years old when my mom was born.

And when I search her birth dad's last name, there are over 2mil results. Could be literally anyone. And I tried searching immigration records from Norway and there are like 30,000 results for that last name. Once again, could be anyone.

So where do I go from here? ☹️ dead ends in all directions. I'm too broke to hire someone lol