does he like me??

uhg okay so i've known this guy since 8th grade and 8th grade-soph year i had such a big crush on him but he lead me on and didn't like me like that and basically our friendship kinda came to a hault because junior year we had no classes together and i got over him. but we're seniors now and we have a class together and we both hella glowed up and we've gotten super close again. at first i just took it as me getting my best friend back but then some shit happened. he's always had a veryyy flirty personality and hes really touchy feely with everyone but this time idk it just seemed different. and then he asked to hang out one saturday night which we've never hung out before outside of school alone. we watched our favorite movie at my house and he kinda layed on me but nothing crazy happened. then apparently that night he went to a party and hooked up with someone but idek if thats true but later that night his best friend was texting me telling me how hes (the guy i like) the guy for me and how hes in love with me but he later told me hes was really drunk and i guess was just talking out of his ass? and then all of us went out to parties on halloween and the guy i like was super drunk and we barely talked and he was kinda all over the place. idk things he does makes me thinks he likes me and like why would his best friend just say all of thatshit out of nowhere? idk i got my hopes up but i think im just gonna be let down all over again which sucks i've been hurt so many times and this hurts especially because we're best friends and we're so close. idk i think he either likes me and just doesn't know how to handle what he's feeling orhe just wants to hookup or he doesn't even feel that way about me. idk what do you guys think? any advice??