Should I be worried?


I’m not sure if what happened today is significant but here we go...

This morning my husband and I and our family were sitting in church and my pastor brought up a man to tell his story. This man is my brother and I haven’t seen him in about 7 years. We didn’t know if he was alive or dead or anything about him. Obviously I got emotional and started crying and while I was crying I got this sharp pain in what I’m thinking is my tailbone. It lasted maybe a few seconds and then stopped.

Lately the family has been busy with a birthday party we had yesterday and my hips have been hurting but after getting everything ready for the party the pain got at its worst so far. Now I’ve waited all day and I have put on a couple of patches of SalonPas and I’m still in pain it hurts to walk and every time the baby moves it hurts too. Should I call my ob to let her know or should I just ride it out to see if it gets worse? I feel like I’m just needing rest because of this busy weekend but I’m just in a significant amount of pain but not enough to go to labor and delivery.