Could I be.....? Help ME!

My bf and I had unprotected sex once last month and then again yesterday, we used the pull out method 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I suppose if worked. He said he knows he didn’t come inside of me.

But okay, so I was on birth control but I stopped taking them about a month ago. I haven’t noticed any symptoms until today I guess.. but so like yesterday he gave me back shots , and I want to say that’s why my back has been aching all day and all night we he left.. But then how would that explain me having terrible cramps this morning. And I’ve had a headache allllll day, but it’s like I usually always get migraines 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I’ve been having to use the bathroom more often. I’m just confused and I would truly hate to find out that I’m pregnant. I already have a test but I haven’t taken it.. I was suppose to start my period today or tomorrow but it’s like my period isn’t always regular anyways so I’m just not sure what I need to do now. Or if I should even worry.