Weird or not? flirty ps4 message from a girl

Hayley • ~IT'S A GIRL!! 💕baby # 2 due May/June 2019~ 💙William Jack 17-08-17 💙

So yesterday I noticed my partner got a message and it flashed on his ps4 home screen and even though he saw it he didn't say anything... It was from a girl (I'm assuming from her username) and said 'hi xoxo'...when I clicked in the message he said it must just be from someone in the online game he was playing, or a scam or something. Is this normal? Can people just send you messages without having to add you as a friend? I don't know anything about games.. UPDATE: okay thank you. I trust him I just wanted to know why it happened, didn't make me feel great when it flashed on the screen. super weird that strangers can talk to you on it, sorry you guys have to put up with that!