Moving in with my boyfriend 🏠💕

Kami • Pansexual She/They Autistic

Long story.

I plan on moving in with my boyfriend next summer. He's 21, I'm 20. He's still at home with his parents, they're just now moving to a new state so he's getting an apartment in this state for us. I'm still "at home" too but I live on my college campus. I'm so excited to live with him, I love him so so so much and I know he loves me. 💗

We've only technically been together since June, however we do have a long history together. He's had a crush on me since middle school (2010), we tried dating senior year (2014) but it didn't work out, but we've always been drawn back to each other. We've been absolute best friends for the last 7 years of knowing each other. I have always told him everything and feel fully comfortable around him. Our official relationship may be short, but our unofficial relationship has been much longer. Plus we started sleeping together back in April and we accidentally acted like we were dating then too. It was supposed to be a casual thing, but that didn't happen 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

His parents absolutely love me and love the idea of us getting an apartment together. Even while helping them move this weekend, they were leaving stuff behind and would tell me "this is for you and_____ in your apartment". Not even just him, me too!☺️ My mom, however, isn't so keen on the idea. I haven't told her I plan on moving in with him, but I know she doesn't like the idea for any time soon (like 10 years). My mom likes him as my boyfriend, but sometimes thinks I could do better (I think it might just be that mom instinct, ya know?).

I'm so excited to move in with him and he's excited to live with me too. But I have no idea how I'm going to tell my mom. I know I'll get the speech about how it's not a good idea, rushing things, etc etc. But I truly feel ready and I truly love him so much. I can picture our whole future together. And am so excited for the future with my love.

I kinda just felt like ranting about how excited I am about this. But what are your guys' stories of moving in with your SO? How young? Did your parents agree?

Advice on how to tell my mom?