

I just had a miscarriage on Wednesday November first when I was 10 weeks I was expecting to see a baby and listen to a heart beat but earlier I went to the bathroom and saw this .. I freaked out

Called My OB and he said it’s fine some women tend to have this , I just had horrible pains in my vagina and I called my mom crying I ended up in the ER

did some blood test and ultra sound they couldn’t see my baby I kept asking the ultra sound technician and she kept saying that it’s not her job to explain she it’s the doctor’s.. I was so nervous idk I just had a feeling that it’s not there and I was crying so bad , I had to wait for so long just having blood samples taken from me and waiting for the results it was the longest wait ever the doctor came in saying my levels went down , baby isn’t visible on an ultrasound all they see is layers of blood and that there’s a problem in the baby’s chromosomes 😭 .. I was so devastated .. this is my second mc , first one I didn’t even know I was pregnant and it didn’t hurt me this much but with this one I’m feeling hurt so bad I was so attached to it and super happy when ever I try to forget I just remember how happy I was to enter my third month thinking the risk of an mc is over !! The stuff that I bought

And how excited my husband was

How he just puts his ears there and keeps talking to the baby it’s just breaks my heart 💔 trying to forget and just going to the bathroom seeing parts of your baby come out of you it just kills me !!!! It’s super hard and I started thinking why would I try and go through this again I’m scared 😭 the pain and the emotions are too much to handle .. but here I am waiting for the blood to be over so I can start again hoping that I can get pregnant again and that it sticks 🙏🏻😭💕..

Mommy’s who had an mc I feel you , I feel the pain , I feel the emotion , that part when you were just busy and saw something that reminded you ,when you start crying out loud and tears start flowing so heavy down from your eyes , when u start holding your tummy thinking my baby was there , when you delete all of the apps you had for pregnancy , when you look at the clothes you bought , when you see others holding their baby , just missing your baby I know.. BUT OUR TIME WILL COME AND WE WILL HAVE OUR RAINBOW 🌈 BABY 👶🏻.. WE CAN TRY CAUSE HAVING OUR BABY IS WORTH IT !! WE ARE STRONG 💪WE CAN DO IT!!

UPDATE : it’s been 12 Days since my MC I’m still bleeding I’m trying to get over this the emotional pain is way less knowing that my baby would have suffered if he was born 💔 so it definitely happened for a reason .. I’m at a stage where I want the blood to be over so I can start TTC ASAP ❤️😭 I’m hoping that we all get our rainbow babies 👶🏻 🌈