Please help


Good morning ladies

I need your help!

I did the unthinkable and started poas.

I am 6dp 5dt I had one good blastocyst embryo inserted.

I started testing at 3dp 5dt to see if the hcg trigger was still in my system as you can see from the pic the top one is from that Day it’s negative. From 4dp (second one) to today (bottom) I have been testing on fmu but 4dp was only day it was like apple juice colour because I have been so thirsty since and think I have been drinking too much water.

Do you guys see a line today? Or does it look negative? I donno :( I’m driving myself crazy. All the lines were slightly visible within the allotted 5 mins but became more viable once they dried. I am worried this <a href="">IVF</a> cycle did not take after all we have been through. We still have 4 frozen but I don’t care about hay right now:( please help. Did any of you have something similar like this? My beta is not until Thursday and I am going crazy!!!

Oh I should add that on the 5dp5dt I took an frer n it was negative. As you can see from the pic it looks pretty negative (second from the bottom). I’m so confused :(