Need medical device and conflicted

Ladies I need some advice.....

I have chronic migraines that can knock me out for days; they're so debilitating that every window has blackout curtains and my bedroom is partially soundproof. We have tried multiple medications in an attempt to minimize their frequency and intensity. Thus far nothing has helped and a few of the medications we tried had nasty side effects. My doctor suggested we try a device that has had great success helping veterans with chronic migraines. We talked about it and my other option of Botox injections, ultimately he wrote me a script for the device. It's called Cefaly (pronounced sef-a-lee) and I was given an 80% chance of it helping, reaching maximum effect after 6-8 weeks of daily use. It relaxes and numbs the nerve in the forehead that is known to cause migraines by emitting an electric micro pulse and you use the device for 20 minutes everyday. Cefaly works kinda like the Icy Hot Smart Relief device or a basic TENS unit, but it's for your head. All I have to do is use it everyday and keep my doctor updated. Also I can continue using Cefaly if I ever get pregnant. There's 3 problems; my insurance won't cover it (at this point the VA insurance is the only one covering it), total upfront cost is $403 ($350 for the device and charging cable, $33 for a 3 pack of hypoallergenic contact pads, and I believe $20 for insured shipping; the contact pads are good for 10 uses each), and we don't have the money to get it. For comparison, Botox takes up to 6 months/3 treatments to reach maximum effect, has a 50% chance of helping, you have to go back to the doctor every 10-12 weeks for a "treatment" which consists of 31 injections to the head and neck (I hate needles!), each treatment is $300-$600, my insurance won't cover this form of migraine treatment because it's an off-label use for Botox, and Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the nerve with chemicals. Also it's recommended that Botox not be used during pregnancy due to the unknown effects it may cause. I wanted to start a Go Fund Me campaign to help pay for the Cefaly device because my husband is the only one working and he doesn't make much (I'm in the process of applying for disability), but I'm conflicted and feel guilty asking for help. I need the device and have to order it before my script expires in 4 weeks, but I'm afraid of the backlash and nasty comments. What should I do? Should I start a campaign and ignore the negative comments? How much should the campaign be for? $410? $420? I don't know what to do and it's really stressing me out. I'd like to reply to your comments, however it looks like Glow won't allow me to do so anonymously. Thanks ladies!