Walked out of work over Skittles 32w3d

Ok, so obviously there are more factors to this story. I work for the govt...which means my job can, and usually does, suck.

I dont even have a bathroom in my building (fun when baby girls bearing down on my bladder and I gotta waddle my fat ass over to the next building and pray I don't piss myself otw).

I have been the division HEAD for about 7 months now, and in that time I have not had access to a computer multiple times for this reason or that. Last week, I returned from leave to find that someone had entered my cubicle and installed an illegal USB, causing a lengthy investigation and me to have no computer AGAIN.

To add to my frustration (it's Monday, I'm 32 wks 3 days pregnant, grad school paper due dates breathing down my neck, and a subordinate who's a complete bitch), I enter my cubicle to find...SOME ASSHAT ATE MY BAG OF SKITTLES.

I lost it, yall. I flipped my shit in front of my boss and walked out. I found myself at the local gas station sucking down a Hagen Daas and seriously thinking about how good it would feel to tell off all my coworkers like a gansta.

I've had enough...and apparently, unjustified Skittles thievery is the last straw. I'm over it, Mamas. It's time for maternity leave. Just had to share.