Brown discharge at 5 weeks?


Hey all. I just got a BFP on 11/2/17 and will be exactly 5 weeks tomorrow. I’ve been peeing a lot, slight cramping all throughout my uterus and tummy but doesn’t cause me any real pain. Just slight twinges, flutters, and jabs. I’ve had headaches as well. I even tested this AM (POAS addict!) and got a BFP. I went to pee earlier and had very watery light brown discharge come out. Enough that it came out into the toilet when I peed. Probably about 1/8 oz all together. I went to the bathroom again and it was gone. I’m not sure if my cervix will push out more later but it really freaked me out. This is my first pregnancy and I have a drs appt tomorrow. Until I go tomorrow, can anyone ease my mind and tell me if this is normal?