I'm becoming a horrible person...


I feel I'm losing my spunk, my bubbly personality, my sweet caring attitude towards others and all that's good about me. My relationship feels strained because of the many failed attempts of ttc. I resent my S.O for having a daughter already and saying that she's enough. She's not enough for me, I know he means well but it's just not enough. I resent people around me getting pregnant without even trying. It's so frustrating to hear people tell me I need to have a baby when I'm already trying and can't. I'm in such a dark place and I can't get out, all because I can't get pregnant. It's been over a year and I have lost hope. It makes some women stronger but it's had the opposite effect on me. I feel so weak and I don't know how to not. I have lost what little faith I had in God and what little faith I had that I deserved to be a mom...