Please help!!


So basically today I am 8 days late for my period.

I have not been late before and have numerous apps to track when I’m due and ovulated etc.

I have headaches almost every morning when I wake up, around 1/2 days late for my period I had brown discharge but only saw when I wiped. Then around 4 days late I had a very watery clear discharge both I’ve never had before.

I’ve had cramps since missed period, but still no sign. I’ve been externally tried and for the last 2/3 nights been in bed asleep before 9!

I’m always hungry but have very little appetite (if this makes sense) I’ve taken around 6 pregnancy tests from the day before I was due to this morning and all BFN!

I just don’t understand what’s going on!

I don’t understand why I’m feeling like this but not a single positive.

Please can someone help me out, has anyone had a REALLY late BFP?

I just want a BFP or a new cycle to come! This has never happened before and I’m so confused.

Thanks xx