80% sure on gender


So yesterday we had an ultra sound to determine gender and make sure all was right with baby I was 18w6days and baby was not in a very good position. Baby was upside down and tight legged lol. But after a long 45 ultra sound the tech said she thinks she knows with about 80% chance the gender so she wrote in on a piece of paper and put it into an envelope because we are going to find out with a cake on thanksgiving with our whole family. But today my doctor said be careful she still delivers babies today of a different gender then the parents thought it was. What I am asking if should I try and get another ultra sounds or blood test even though my insurance doesn’t cover it? Ugh I’m so frustrated right now. I’ll post the pics we got which are not very good lol, heard beat was about 160. This will be my second baby and I just want to know if I should keep my sons clothes or get ride of them and have a clear answer 😅😂🤗😏.