Does this mean labor is near??


FTM. I'm 36+4 weeks with Our little boy and when I had an ultrasound at 35+2 weeks (haven't gained any weight so they wanted to check his growth) he was measuring 3 weeks ahead at a whopping 7 pounds 4 ounces😳😂

He always measured about a week ahead in his growth throughout the ultrasounds in this pregnancy but wow this guy is a chunker!

I just had my doctors appointment today and she said I was 1cm dilated and 75% thinned/effaced and that I could Labor any time now.

I know growth scans are unpredictable and some ppl take either forever to dilate or go from 1 to labor the next day, but how much after you were this thinned did you deliver? What are your experiences with how fast/ long you took to dilate or thin?