

So, the last few weeks have been incredibly weird. I thought my period started last week (two days late). It was very light and only went for about 3 days (as opposed to my normal 5). Sunday afternoon, more than 12 hours since the bleeding had stopped, it came again (not a lot, but some). Yesterday, again, about 12 hours later, I bled some more. Then, again tonight, about 15 hours later, I bled again. I don't know why and it's incredibly unusual because I never spot (like ever). Any idea why this might be happening? I've been cramping a bit every day too, which isn't fun :(

I went in to the doctor for UTI like symptoms. They did a urine test and didn't actually see a UTI, but my doc gave me the meds since my symptoms matched. I finished the meds Sunday morning. Could this be causing the bleeding? Should I go back to the doctor and get checked out?

Thanks for any thoughts