7 days late for flow. no bfp no flow. help me.


so today I am 7 days late for flow. no signs of her at all. im also 16dpo (according to glow) if I did my days according to when I think I O'd i'd be 20dpo. when I thought I was 9days I think past o according to glow I was only 4dpo. i tested first responce and got nothing in the time frame. it dried (naking it evap or invalid) and I got two lines once dried. I tested again on when I though I was 12dpo was actually 7dpo and nothing. it dried down and look all weird. part of a dark line. but again. invalid or evap. tested again on what i thought was 15dpo which actually was 10 dpo. nothing during time frame. dried down nothing in window. took another test day of missed period nothing/nothing this was actually 15 dpo but i though it was 20dpo. didnt test again til today 7 days late still no bfp. when I test I keep thinking Im seeing tiny faint positives. but nothing dark enough to satisfy me. ive had some spotting one trip to the restroom only on two different days. and I use spotting loosely like one wipe of barely tinged pink. that's it. in the mean time I've had sore boobs on and off. tender nipples. nausea. insomnia. extremely bad fatigue. and stuffy nose which I though was a cold or sinus infection but never turned green stayed clear and no other symptoms of sickness. googled and found out it was probably pregnancy stuffy nose which I didn't even know was a thing. and lower back ache. mild off and on cramping and I have never gotten cramps during my cycle. I've just never had that symptom for flow. and I'm smelling things from across my house that noone else smells. this is nuts. has any of you ladies had a late bfp and if so how late. I just need to know its not all in my head. thanks. if this is my month me and my husband will have been trying for 3 1/2 years.