Doctor results :( Advice please


Hi all. I just got some test results back from my doctor and I am a bit upset, seeking feedback (and reassurance if you've got any!) from this lovely group here. I'm 36, TTC #1. Just found out I have low AMH (.6) and high FSH (23). My LH is fine. They did an ultrasound and I have about 4 follicles on the left and about 5 on the right so she said that's about half the amount I should have.

So she said it's still possible I can get pregnant naturally, its just harder. We're trying naturally this cycle, and then she suggests trying Clomid for two cycles. If that doesn't work then seeing an RA (she's my gyno but can do fertility testing, but she's not a full on fertility doctor), and looking into other options like <a href="">IVF</a>, etc.

Like a lot of you I spent so long trying NOT to get pregnant that it's a bit of of shock that it's so hard now to actually do it haha! Any advice would be appreciated, especially on a)experiences/success with Clomid, and b)if you can raise your AMH/lower FSH naturally

Thank you!!

P.S. Posted this in another group as well on the advice of some others, if double posting is not okay please delete and sorry for the repeat :)