Could it be?


My boyfriend and I️ have been trying to conceive for three months now. He is 23 I️ am 20 will be 21 next month. Last August I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks we found out the baby’s heart stopped around 11 weeks. My cycle is around 33 days always a day or two off which is regular for me. The past week I have been having slight cramping only on right side. I️ have also been getting headaches and using the bathroom often. My blood pressure has increased just the slightest as well. My breasts are sensitive but not sore. My stomach just below my hip bones right around where my ovary would be on the right side where my slight cramping has been is harder than my left side in the same place. Could this spot be harder because there is a little one attached to my right side 🤷‍♀️ my boyfriend and I️ want nothing more than to be able to have our little family and I having the missed miscarriage want nothing more than to finally be able to hold my little one and kiss their little cheeks. Hoping for positive comments!!!

Baby dust to all trying moms ❤️