Positive tests but also bleeding


So these past two weeks have been a little weird and unexpected. My husband and I have been TTC but have been unsuccessful. I recently had my cycle Oct 29-Nov 2nd. It came 3 days late but no issues with the actual cycle. Nov 4th I started seeing dark brown/black dried up blood in my panties. I did some reading and found a lot of posts that said it is old blood but could also mean more. Seeing as I’ve never had this I decided to take a pregnancy test. This was on the 6th. 2 tests and both positive. Exciting! But I can’t help but worry seeing as the dried up brown blood became more of a light flow, to the point that I had to use a tampon. Still not red. It’s like a brownish pink. Flash forward to the 8th I took 2 more tests. Different tests. Both positive. And 1 more this morning. Positive. I’m still waiting to hear back from my doctor but I’d love some feedback here.