Do you make your baby wear socks inside?

Elizabeth • Mom of 2 boys- 1/5/17-Nemat, 6/21/19-Naveed

As it has gotten colder in NC, I've gotten more concerned about socks. Plus my in-laws who live right here always seem concerned my baby is cold, even though I keep our heat at 69-70 degrees. Even with the grippers, my son slips more, especially since he has just started taking a few steps. He also takes them off and chews on them before and after his naps but he only wears the footed pajamas at night so I'm worried about his feet being cold at nap time especially. He still moves a ton when he sleeps so I don't feel comfortable using blankets. It was almost 70 on Sunday but here he was right after taking off his socks again when we went outside to take pics.

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