I need your help again!!! ❤️

Hey everyone!!! 💕 I made a post a while ago asking for advice on how to make my eyebrows look better. You were all so incredibly helpful, and as you can see, I'm still taking everyone's advice!!! 😊

Maybe you guys can give me some tips on how to clear up my skin??? Here are some pictures of my face completely without makeup (except for my eyebrows 😂)

I'm in my 20s and I'm breaking out even worse than when I was a teenager. And I hate it so much, because even when I wear makeup I feel like it doesn't really hide my acne.

Can anyone give me any advice, or share what their skin care routine is like???

I'll be honest, I don't use good products. Mostly because I'm poor, lol. I use some grapefruit exfoliating face wash. I use whatever moisturizer is on my mom's bathroom counter. And that's about it...my skin is also super dry.

I have also factored in lifestyle stuff that could contribute to acne. I already drink lots of water. I rarely eat sweets or junk food. And I'm using a progesterone cream to try and balance out my hormones. I always break out bad about a week before my period starts.

I also have some redness and acne scars.

Sorry, I know this post is really long lol. I am just so envious of people with really clear, bright, glowing skin!!! I want to know your secrets!!! 💕