Braxton Hicks turn Contractions at 26 weeks πŸ™ƒπŸ™πŸΌ


I just turn 26 weeks Friday and Saturday night, I started having menstrual like cramps. I googled it and was convinced it was Braxton Hicks. It was suggested that I was possibly dehydrated so I started chugging bottles of water, went to sleep and woke up with the same uncomfortable tightness. I wasn't timing them or anything but they were consistent. My mom of course told me to go to the hospital, but I was scared & wanted to wait on my bf who was away at drill πŸ™„ Around 5 o'clock he FINALLY came home and I was like a pet waiting at the door. We go to Labor & Delivery, and they put me in a room, hook me up to fetal heart monitor and contractions monitor. They check to see if I was dilated, I wasn't THANK GOD πŸ™ŒπŸ½ then put me on an IV although she said I was pretty hydrated. Apparently once I went in, the nurse said I was having contractions and that they were 2-7 minutes apart πŸ™„it still felt like cramps to me, but they did become a little more intense but still like mensural cramps on the 1st or 2nd day of your cycle lol. They gave me an "asthma shot" that was suppose to slow/stop the contractions (which it did) but it did make my heart race which was normal I guess. They didn't have a clear reason on WHY I started to contract, but she did indicate it could be a UTI but it would take a couple days for them to know. Discharge around 10:30 pm with no signs of contractions, but as soon as I got home and laid down, I felt them again (only a few here & there throughout the night) 😩 I called my doctor and was advised to come in for an evaluation today. Idk what this little girl is doing in there but she's been SUPER ACTIVE since they started Saturday night.... Update once I leave appointment πŸ™πŸΌ