what yall think ?

I been having weird stuff going on with me I had sex the 17 of September the 29 of September then 1 2 3 10 of october with my husband . then october I was light spotting then the 12 of october I started heavy bleeding for 8 days then it stop so I thought it was my period because thats how long my period last 8 days . then in october I started having brown discharge before the brown discharge i was having alot of clear discharge . and then I was bleeding again bright red and all of that happening with no cramps i wasnt having any cramps just feeling dizzy a lot and sleeping alot also and it stops and come back and its stop now on nov 12 I started bleeding again with no cramps it stopped on nov 15 and now its turning brown again it go from clear watery discharge to brown !!! its weird this never happened to me !!! but i already went to a doctor and she said it sounded like a miscarriage I get my blood test results today !!!