TTC Frustration



Hello... I know I'm not the only one that gets frustrated/sad/ mad when aunt flow comes after the TWW. But I am really getting discourage (I know it has taken some women way longer than it has for me so I'm not trying to be a crybaby) but come on we wait 2 damn weeks from our period to "hopefully conceive" during our fertile window then wait another 2 weeks to see if AF comes it's just waiting and waiting and I'm getting discouraged! Usually when AF comes I'm upset and think ok I'm done trying now! But a week or so passes and my fertile window comes up again and I'm thinking okay I will try again... I have had one successful pregnancy 2 1/2 years ago I'm thankful for. It seemed to take awhile with her but this is 3 times longer! I had gotten my mirena out the end of March have used OPKS, tracking my cycle, used preceed lube during my fertile window... and nothing. I'm getting so discouraged especially when I see people not even try and get PREGOO LIKE BAM ugh wondering if I should just give up...

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I feel like I could’ve written this myself. I have a nearly 2 year old son and it took us 2 years to conceive him ( I wasn’t using birth control or contraceptives for about 3 years prior to trying as well). We knew we wanted our babies close in age so we started trying the moment the doctor gave me the all clear after my son and here we are about 19 months in with 2 chemical pregnancies, I feel so discouraged but don’t want to give up hope and stop trying just yet. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you and everyone that is trying and feeling this way as well! Hopefully this cycle is the one!


Avielle • Nov 17, 2017


Avielle • Nov 17, 2017
It just confuses me.. like what goes wrong in the process?! The OPK is dark as can be for a few days we do the deed and nothing! Ugh and then friends say "just relax and it will happen" like no some of us don't accidentally get pregnant(granted I know stressing doesn't help) I guess when he time is right!!! Good luck to everyone!


Posted at
I completely understand. A lot of times I feel the same way. When people around you are getting pregnant or u see women who don't even take care of the kids they have and BAM end up pregnant easily with #3&4. But I say don't give up but give yourself time to destress and start fresh!
I completely understand. A lot of times I feel the same way. When people around you are getting pregnant or u see women who don't even take care of the kids they have and BAM end up pregnant easily with #3&4. But I say don't give up but give yourself time to destress and start fresh!