Help, please? Frer progression. Scared!

Verity • 27 and TTC baby #1 for 22 months


I’m terrified. I know I shouldn’t have but I tested again, I’m sure you all know how it is.

The first picture was taken on CD23, the second on CD32, so 9 days apart. Assuming (I have no idea) I ovulated on CD14, that’d be 9DPO and 18DPO.

That second one should be way darker by now, right? :(

I also did a clearblue digital weeks indicator on both days and got 1-2 on both.

I saw my doctor on the morning of the first test, her test was negative so I was sent away. My next appointment isn’t until next Friday, which will be CD40.

I got my first positive test on a one step strip on CD21, so 7DPO.

I’ve had brown, stringy discharge daily since CD12, I’ve never experienced this before mid month. This is always old blood though and never heavy enough to need a pad.

I hope you can share your experiences with me & I pray they were good outcomes.