Need Advice (FTM)

So as of today I'm about 25 weeks and 4 days along in my first pregnancy. My life is already changed and has changed so much since I've found out that I was pregnant. Me and my boyfriend are getting along better but there is also still this space there, filled with uncertainty of the future, I say it this way because my friend and I are the type of couple who are always prepared and have a plan B for everything. I'm sharing this on here because there are just some things I don't feel comfortable going to my friends or family for. Anyways, with that said I'm very excited to become a mommy and I've always loved kids and wondered what it would have been like to have my own, but now that it's happening idk, I guess I might just be scared or nervous. Because like they say, kids don't come with and instruction manual and I'm living out in Alabama with my boyfriend with none of my family that I can call and have come over if I need help with the baby. It's things like that, that have been making me feel very irritable lately. My boyfriend annoys me and I feel like he's being unfaithful even though he's not and never would. I'm slowly straying away from my best friends because they get on my nerves. It's like everything and everyone is on my nerves and everything is not going to get better or change and just stay the way it is. I guess I'm just being hard on myself but even though I know I'm growing a human inside of me I feel like I don't get things done like I used to (around the house for example) I just really honestly don't feel like doing anything anymore but then again I get restless and hate sitting down. So many conflicting feelings! I guess all I'm looking for is a little happy boost and some advice on how to de-stress because I can't handle being this unsatisfied anymore. I'm over pregnancy and all of its hormones and just want my body back and a healthy baby boy. Thanks