Do you ever re-read breakup massages?


I guess I was kind of dumped today. We weren't in a relationship exactly, but it was moving in that direction. However, he met up with his friend and she stayed at his place.

He's not a bad guy and I still like him, but it seems like I've been falling in love, because when I read his messages, I was crying. I got better, even started joking with him again, but now I've read the messages again and I got tears in my eyes again.

We didn't really do much together. We "met" online a month ago and we've seen each other only once (though it was quite an intense night), but I'm afraid I've fallen for him anyway, because I've never cried over a rejection.

But why do I keep reading what he wrote to me? Why do I want to read again that he still likes me, but has someone else?

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