If I were a parent...


Thinking about women’s rights, gender stereotypes and racial inequality has really come to the forefront now that I’ve had my daughter. I often think how I can raise her so that she knows she is loved no matter what and supported through all of life’s journey. So I’m asking for your advice... as a mother, what can I do and say to my daughter to ensure she is loved, accepted and has a open mind regarding the following topics:

Members of the LGBTQ community... I want her to know that she can discuss her sexuality with me at any time and feel normal regardless of what her sexual orientation is.

That her mixed heritage is something beautiful and to be treasured, that she is comfortable with her mixed identity and that her hair, skin tone and every other feature of hers is beautiful.

That as a girl, woman, person she does not have to describe to any gender role including hobbies, career, colours or anything else. What she does with her hair, clothing, interests is completely up to her.

What do you wish someone had said to you or done to make you feel more comfortable in your skin?