Maybe regretting. Maybe divorce.

I never thought about having this discussion with my husband until now. And now that we are (more like were) ttc it has really hit me. I am really questioning my marriage now. The subject of abortion came up and we have complete opposite views on it. We don't seem to be able to come to an agreement on how we would raise our children to view it and it would affect us greatly if we had a child that had a child young. We have completely different views on what we do about the situation. I am really upset about it, but it may be a deal breaker with us because who knows what else we will disagree on with our children. What else do you think are deal breaker topics that I need to bring up with him?


You know, I'm glad you all have such wonderful views and shit in your lives. Abortion is a giant deal breaker in my relationship. I'm not calling it quits because it is hard, I do not want to be married to someone that thinks abortion is ok, because to me it is not. And if my child ever has one that is not medically necessary, I will have nothing to do with her after or my son if he has his wife or girlfriend have one. And you can think it's a dumb reaso. for divorce all you want. Idgaf! It's not your marriage or your problem. So piss off.