Anyone feel very pregnant one day and minimal symptoms the next? (7 weeks 1 day)



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Yes and it's going to make me insane!! Had a miscarriage with my first and now everytime my boobs don't hurt or something doesn't smell horrible I think the worst. I go for my first ultrasound tomorrow, hopefully all is well and I can chill out a bit.


Kerry • Nov 21, 2017
I feel the same! 1st pregnancy missed miscarriage, 2 healthy babies and still feel this way!!xx


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Yes! Makes me very nervous. My first two pregnancies resulted in miscarriage and the symptoms just faded away. I get so nervous when I don't have symptoms but they hit with full force soon after!


Kerry • Nov 19, 2017
It’s horrible isn’t it? I don’t remember feeling like this with my first two!x