How important is marriage to you?

Zoe • Vegas Mama

I’m asking because my boyfriend and I are at odds on the subject. He’s 21 I’m 18 and I’m 37+4 with our first baby.. I have a lot of pressure to marry him before she gets here, although I know we aren’t getting married so soon I eventually want to be married. My boyfriend on the hand is pretty strong in his opinion that marriage is pointless and he DOES NOT want it. I have always dreamt of getting married and having a strong and beautiful marriage unlike my parents who were married for 19 years and it was full of cheating, fighting, and break ups.. His mom was never married either though she’s had relationships throughout his life. I want our daughter to see an example of why marriage is still true today and that she deserves that in her own life. But what if my bf never changes his mind? Would I be willing to leave him over it? I’m honestly not sure, I never want to even imagine my life without him but at the same time I never want to imagine my life with out being married. Any advice and/or support would be great, thanks.

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