Blighted Ovum??


My husband and I have been trying for 2 years to get pregnant, my OB finally put me on Clomid to try and help. Well, I took it the last week of September and the 27th of October, when I should have gotten my period I tested. It showed up a bright bold plus sign!! I went in and had blood drawn on the 30th of October, results for my HCG levels came back at 615. The 14th of October I went in for my first ultrasound because they said I would be about 7 weeks by that time. Well my ultrasound showed a sac but nothing inside it, and the tech said the sac was only measuring about 5weeks 5days. They also did a repeat blood draw that day, the result for my HCG level was about 26,600. They are worried because my HCG levels and ultrasound don’t match. They had me come in on the 16th of October as well for another repeat blood draw, that HCG level was about 38,000. Now they are worried it’s a blighted Ovum?? Has anyone had an experience like this?? Worried/scared momma here!!! 😣😢