Ear infection maybe?


Hey mommas!! I have a question. My little girl has been fighting her first cold, she didn’t get as sick as my husband and I have been but she is definitely stuffed up. We have to clear out her nose with a suction every morning, evening and once or twice in the day. The past few days I have noticed her grabbing at her right ear. She like grabs and pulls at it. Everyone keeps saying “oh she just found her ear” but I just have a feeling it’s something else maybe an ear infection?? She’s not running a fever but I have also noticed she is eating less, every time I feed her she eats for like 3-5 minutes and then will pull away from my breast and start fussing/crying😞 I’m not sure what’s going on..I’m a FTM and I’m planning on trying to get her in tomorrow but I’m just curious if anyone who has had kids before has experienced this?