UPDATE* Hemorrhoid pain 😩 HELPPP

I have a 1.5 year old and developed a hemorrhoid from delivering her. It never went away but has never really bothered me as far as pain goes. I'm now 38 weeks pregnant and the last two days have been absolutely UNBEARABLE. There's multiple now and I can barely walk, getting up and down is absolutely excruciating, i literally feel like I'm being stabbed anytime I move. I've tried numbing cream, numbing spray, tucks pads, Tylenol, NOTHING is bringing any sense of relief at all and I am absolutely miserable, it has brought me to tears multiple times 😔 does anyone have any advice or recommendations or anything? I'm terrified to deliver while having this issue and I have no idea what to do. TIA!

*Okay so I ended up having to go to the emergency room last night because the pain was completely unbearable and NOTHING was even slightly helping still. They said the hemorrhoids have become thrombosed, which means they're full of blood clots and that is what's causing all of the pain. He also said its pretty strange for them to have turned thrombosed because I'm on a blood thinner injection twice a day, but it's most likely caused from baby being large (my daughter was 9.3 lbs and we're thinking he's big as well) and very very low so he's putting a ton of pressure down there. He talked to their general surgeon to see about cutting them open to remove the clots so I could have some relief but they weren't comfortable with that because I'm on blood thinner so it would have been a blood bath and I would have had to of been put to sleep and I'm 38 weeks along. So he said to ask my OB about being induced early so this could be taken care of ASAP. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? Did you have to be induced? Did you have to have a c-section?