Old feelings coming back

So my ex and I broke up in August because long distance wasn’t working. Of course I missed him. But I stayed strong and cut all communication and started doing my own thing. Early October he texted me for the first time since we broke up. And I texted him back because I do miss him. We didn’t end on bad terms either. He spilled all these feelings and so did I and we caught up. This past weekend he drove to come see me. I loved seeing him and it was like everything was back to normal. I miss seeing him everyday and my heart hurt when he had to leave last night. I just don’t know what is going to happen because I don’t want to move to where he lives and he can’t move because he started a job there this year. In my heart I feel like he could be the one. But if it didn’t work out the first time I don’t how it’s going to work out now