
I'm actually about to cry because I love my boyfriend so much.. I literally can't describe how much I love him. He is always there for me when I'm depressed and feel like cutting again.. He is super sweet and still let's me cuddle with him when I'm sick. Whenever I have panic attacks, he's always there.. When my grandpa died a year ago, he let me come over and he just hugged me while I cried. Everyone says I can do better because they don't think he's cute but looks don't matter. What matters is having a boy who cares for you and will love you no matter what.. That's exactly how my boyfriend is.We met over two years ago and we've liked each other the whole time but he didn't want to date until he was sixteen so we waited and we have been together for almost three months now. I just wanted to post this to give him some appreciation. Sorry if I bored you to death.