What's wrong with me?


I had a miscarriage on 9/24 this year and I got pregnant again shortly after. It would have to be after October 15th for conception since we used condoms before that. I had gotten my first positive pregnancy test on November 3rd and strong positives every day after that. I had my first ultrasound with this pregnancy yesterday and they saw a sac and barely anything in it. She did the abdominal wand first and then switched to the vaginal one to see better. She was checking for a heartbeat and there was nothing. It made me really nervous because I figured I was far enough along to at least be able to hear that. After she was done she ran to go talk to my doctor and said I need to come back in 2 weeks. Is there something wrong with the baby? If there even is one? You could barely see anything inside the sac, but there was something there. I'm just really nervous that I'll lose this 9ne and I'll learn that I'm infertile. Or that I can get pregnant but not keep the babies. She said that I was maybe 5 weeks and that made me more nervous because I've seen other 5 week ultrasounds and you can clearly see something in there. I just don't know what to think about this anymore.