Truly slept through the night!


YOU GUYS!!!! My 11 1/2 week old daughter just slept for 8 1/2 hours without waking up once!! She couldn't have picked s better night to do it because the night before she slept terrible (waking up as soon as you put her down, starts yelling when you our her down drowsy, only sleeping for 30-45 minutes at a time with exception of one 4 hour stretch) so I slept terrible and didn't get a nap in yesterday. My husband was insisting on a date night so we dropped little miss off at my parents and we got home with her at 9:50. My husband put her to bed really quick and she didn't wake up until just before 6! Prior to this her longest stretch was about 6 1/2 hours and only did that was only once She mostly sleeps in a few 4, 3, or 2 hour stretches. Sorry for the long post, but wanted to include other detail so those would want could have it!