Breathing problems?


Is anyone else's little one having breathing problems? My little guy came out of the womb sounding congested and all the nurses said it was just amniotic fluid and he would get better with time and sneezes. He'll be 8 weeks tomorrow and he's still having troubles. He hasn't seen his pediatrician since 2 weeks and then she insisted that it was fine/normal and said babies just have smaller nasal passages. But at this point it sounds like his lungs are congested at times and his nose sounds like he's breathing through a tiny straw. It's not all the time, either, but it does get bad at night. He was in his pack n play with a slight incline but after 2 nights in a row recently of choking/gasping himself awake every hour, we have him sleep in the swing (which is a whole other controversial topic, I know 😩) in our room. Since then his breathing still isn't great at night, but he doesn't gasp himself awake. He has his 2 month check up on the 30th and I'm nervous his pediatrician will still write it off as normal/small nasal passages. It just doesn't seem/sound/feel normal. Anyone else going through this?! Am I just a paranoid FTM? 😩