Ugh why can’t my friends be normal

I swear to god they couldn’t just be normal teenagers if their lives depended on it.

I want to go Black Friday shopping with my friends at night, right? And I’ve planned this with my friends for like a year cuz we finally got our licenses this time. Well, now that it comes down to it, they both r going with their family to go Black Friday shopping and practically blowing me off. I mean I think it’s great that they can hangout with their family like that and have fun but this one girl ALWAYS does EVERYTHING with her family and it’s kinda annoying. Now I have nobody to go with cuz it’s already Wednesday and other people already have plans.

I just don’t get it. And Ik that after like 20 minutes I’ll of calmed down and won’t really give a shit and I’ll propbably have to seltzer this post cuz I sound like a fucking 12 year old who doesn’t get her way. And Ik that they can hangout with whoever they want and just cuz they hang out with their family doesn’t make that not normal or anything but i ts jury annoying how they switched plans with me. Whatever.