If a guy threatens to kill you because he's friends with an ex of yours that is known for sexually abusing other women


What should you fucking say? This dude Peter threatened to kill me 3 years after I got a restraining order against my ex, 2 years after his ex Sarah after me came to me for help and asked me to fucking help her because he told her she wasn't allowed to leave him and he fucking tried to break into her parents house, forced her to sneak out and fucking tried to "fuck her up the cornhole" so to speak. He also stalked her at a private school? And waited in his car in the parking lot. When I dated my ex he put his hands on me distributed child pornography of me and stuck foreign objects in me that were serrated? He also fucking bound my arms and legs and drugged me? Kind of did enough shit to other people to warrant getting expelled from school? So what does anyone want?