Not giving up

My fiancé and I have decided to hold off on ttc for a while. It was a very hard decision to come to, with many tears shed during the conversation. But we're not giving up. We miscarried our twins in August and started trying again after my first cycle. So we've only been trying for a couple months but it's been causing a lot of stress and heart ache every time af comes. I tried talking to my friends about it but they don't really seem to care. Maybe I'm being to emotional or needy right now, but they quit talking to me for about a month after I lost my babies. So i dont know , I'm a little hurt by them. I just want to be a mom more than anything, and even though I'm already a mom to two little angels, I want to be able to hold and kiss my babies. For now we're just going to enjoy life and plan our wedding.