Not sure what to think


My bf and I had a fight tonight because I was going to get help in chemistry from someone I work with. My big is very protective and worries about me being safe and if he works a night shift he has refused to go to sleep until he heard from me and made sure I was ok. He was acting crazy jealous when he heard that and when he gets jealous he gets mean. I’ve been with 2 other guys before him and he hates to think about the fact that I didn’t wait for him. How was I supposed to know that I was going to meet him?! The reason that we met was because my fam didn’t trust me enough to leave me at home by myself all day. I was dating someone else then and was planning on him coming over since I’d be home alone. I was at the mall on that day and met him because of the other guy. We hit it off right away and I ended up choosing him over the other guy. I knew that that other relationship wasn’t going to last. We’ve been together for over a month now but it feels like it’s been so much longer. I am crazy in love with him. We both knew that first day that there was something there. I had no idea just how much it would impact my life. We’ve been out on 3 dates and he’s come over while I was home alone twice. The last time he came over he didn’t pull out like he has before. We want kids but my main concern is if our relationship is strong enough for it. We’ve been fighting more than before and we’ve both hurt each other. I don’t know what to think. I can see a future for us but am scared that things will not work out the way we’re planning. We want to move in together soon and are saving money. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him. He’s put up with so many of my moods and has been amazing. I need advice and support.