Unsupportive Mom

I’m 16 years old and I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. We’re pretty open about our sexualities and text about it maturely. Unfortunately, my mom got ahold of my phone and read through our text messages, seeing some pretty explicit material. She told me I should be ashamed of my sexuality and that I have no respect for myself because I want to have sex at “such a young age”. She also mentioned the age of consent law and threatened to send me to juvenile hall. I expected her to say that because we live in a Mexican household with traditional beliefs, but I have a really strong belief that teens should be taught sex-positive education and that it should be socially acceptable for teens to be open about their sexuality. While I can’t argue the age of consent law of California being 18 years old, I don’t agree with the way she’s telling me to “be a proper lady” and “keep my legs closed”. What are your thoughts on this, from one girl to another?